Current Conditions
Air Temp | temp goes here |
Wind Speed | wind speed |
Humidity | temp goes here |
Visibility | visibility |
Conditions | conditions |
Water Temp | watertemp |
Today's Forecast
Low Temp | temp goes here |
High Temp | hightemp |
Chance of Rain | crain |
Max Wind Gust | maxwindgust |
Sunrise | temp goes here |
Sunset | sunset |
Conditions | tcond |
Tide Predictions
Low Tide | 5:45 AM |
High Tide | 11:38 AM |
Low Tide | 6:29 PM |
High Tide | 12:04 AM |
Moon Phase
Welcome Aboard!!!
Salem Boating Club is located in historic Pennsville, New Jersey. We are an active group of boaters, sailors and fishermen who appreciate the unique natural
features and challenges of our beautiful coastline. Our members enjoy a year-round program of banquets and parties, tournaments, visitations and family events.
Bohemia Bash 8/5
The Bohemia Bash is happening on August 5th this year. Our club often brings dozens of vessels in for the celebration, be sure to join us.
Fundraising Event for Vivian Dalton
Thank you to all who came out to support Vivian and her family. The event was a large success.
5/20 Kid's catfish tournament Cancelled
We could not get enough anglers this year to pull off our annual catfish tournament so it is unfortunately cancelled.
Boating News
Meeting Schedule
General Membership Meeting
3/3/2025 7:00:00 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
2/17/2025 7:00:00 PM
Follow us on Facebook
Become a SBC Fan on Facebook to keep current with club events as well as members and families!
Salem Boating Club is a Member of the Delaware River Yachtmen's Leaugue